מועצות חינוך לאומיות במדינות נבחרות בעולם – סיכום ממצאי חיפוש במאגרי מידע

 מועצות חינוך לאומיות במדינות נבחרות בעולם – סיכום ממצאי חיפוש במאגרי מידע
השאילתא הממוחשבת שהורצה במאגרי מידע ממוחשבים על מועצות חינוך לאומיות התבססה על סריקה נרחבת במנועי חיפוש באינטרנט ועל דליית מידע במאגרי מידע בינלאומיים כגון מאגר ERIC  ומאגרים נוספים כגון  World of Learning 2008 .  Wilson Education Database, Proquest  ועוד.
לאחר שלב איסוף המידע הממוחשב אשר כלל צבירה וסינון ניכר של מידע ונתונים גולמיים ממשרדי חינוך ברחבי העולם, הוחלט להתמקד במספר מדינות מובילות מבחינת תפקוד ואחריות מועצות החינוך הלאומית שם.
מאחר וההתפלגות של מעמד מועצות חינוך לאומיות בעולם אינה אחידה ואינה נורמטיבית העדפנו להתמקד באותן מדינות ( כגון פינלנד) אשר יכולות לשמש דגם מנחה וגורם השראה למערכת החינוך בארץ.
מצד שני, אי אפשר בהכרח לגזור גזירה שווה מפינלנד לגבי מעמד מועצות החינוך הלאומיות בעולם , יש מדינות ( כגון שבדיה, אוסטרליה ) בהן מועצות החינוך הלאומיות נחלשו מאד ויש כמה מדינות בהן מועצות החינוך הלאומיות נותרו על כנן, אך איבדו סמכויות רבות ולעתים אף מוזגו במשרדי החינוך.
 ספינת הדגל של מועצות החינוך הלאומיות בחינוך במדינות העולם  היא  ללא ספק פינלנד אשר הקימה בשנת 1991  מועצה לאומית לחינוך בשם The Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE) אשר חלק מתפקודיה נגרעו ממשרד החינוך המקומי. המועצה הלאומית לחינוך בפינלנד הנה בעלת עוצמה רבה מבחינת החוק ואינה כפופה למשרד החינוך אלא לשר החינוך ולפרלמנט. המועצה בפינלנד אחראית לפיתוח והמדיניות החינוכית בכל הרמות החל מגני ילדים , חינוך מבוגרים ועד מכללות. המועצה  הלאומית בפינלנד אחראית גם לקביעת המדיניות הלאומית בחינוך הגבוה אך לא לתקצוב האוניברסיטאות שם.
תחומי אחריות עיקריים:
פיתוח וקידום מערכת החינוך
הערכת החינוך
פיתוח שירותי מידע בחינוך
פיתוח שירותי חינוך ייעודיים
פירוט תחומי אחריות
בעקרון, המועצה הלאומית לחינוך בפינלנד היא בעלת סמכויות מוחלטות בתחומי התכנון החינוכי הלאומי כאשר חלק מסמכויות הביצוע הן באחריותה וחלק באחריות משרד החינוך הפיני.
המועצה אחראית בלעדית לפיתוח והפעלת שירותי תמיכה לגורמי החינוך ובתי הספר. לדוגמא, התחום של קידום תקשוב החינוך בבתי הספר הוא כולו באחריות המועצה ובתקצובה.
התחום של יזום תוכניות לימודים ופיתוחן הוא באחריות המועצה, כאשר משרד החינוך בפינלנד אחראי לתפעול תוכניות הלימודים בבתי הספר אך נושא באחריות כלפי מועצת החינוך הלאומית.
המועצה  הלאומית לחינוך בפינלנד אחראית גם לתחומי הפעולה הבאים: תכנון לאומי של תקציב החינוכי וקביעת סדרי עדיפויות, פיתוח וקידום איכות המורים, הכוונת החינוך הטכנולוגי בפינלנד ועוד.
האחריות לאישור תוכניות הלימוד השונות בפינלנד היא בידי המועצה הלאומית לחינוך בפינלנד ויש לה גם סמכות להנחות את משרדי החינוך המקומיים לגבש תוכניות לימודים נדרשות ולאשר אותן. כך לדוגמא, תכנית הלימודים לגני ילדים בשנת 2001 הוגשה לשר החינוך הפיני ע"י המועצה הלאומית בחינוך ובפיתוחה.
יצויין כי המועצה הלאומית לחינוך בפינלנד אחראית בלעדית לכל פרוייקטי הפיתוח הלאומיים. כך לדוגמא, התכנית הלאומית לפיתוח החינוך המיוחד 1997-2001 בפינלנד הוטלה על המועצה הלאומית לחינוך ורק לאחר ביסוסה וייצובה הוחזרה התכנית לתפעול שוטף של משרד החינוך הפיני.
יצויין כי חלוקת האחריות הברורה והמחייבת בין תכנון ופיתוח (המועצה הלאומית) ותפעול שוטף (משרד החינוך) היא ביסודה סוד הצלחתה של מערכת החינוך בפינלנד בעולם  (מקום שני בכל בחינות ההישגים הבינלאומיות כגון  PISA ) המגובה על ידי חקיקה מקיפה בפרלמנט ומעמד יוקרתי בחברה הפינית.
מבנה וכוח אדם
במועצת החינוך הלאומית בפינלנד עובדים 350 עובדים קבועים ב5 מינהלים ייעודיים :
מינהל כללי ( לשכת מנכ"ל המועצה, יחסי ציבור, תקשורת )
המינהל לפיתוח בחינוך (פיתוח חינוך קדם יסודי ,פיתוח חינוך יסודי ,פיתוח חינוך תיכון , פיתוח החינוך המקצועי, סביבות למידה, פיתוח שירותי מידע לחטיבות גיל הנ"ל , פיתוח שירותי תמיכה למורים, פיתוח רווחת התלמיד) .
המינהל לאיכות בחינוך ולבקרה חינוכית ( תכנון תקציב החינוך, ניתוח עלויות בחינוך, הערכה חינוכית של תוכניות ומסלולים, שירותי מידע לגורמי מינהל בחינוך, מדיניות קבלת תלמידים , קבוצת מחקר בחינוך, קבוצת תכנון איכות , צוות תכנון רב-שנתי של צרכי חינוך ותחזיות) .
המינהל לאוכלוסיה דוברת השפה השבדית בפינלנד ( פיתוח כולל של מגזר החינוך בפינלנד אשר שפת האם שלו שבדית , לרבות פיתוח תוכניות ושירותי מידע) .
המינהל לשירותי חינוך ( שירותי חינוך בתשלום , מדיניות גביית תשלומים, מערכות מידע ניהוליות ארציות, הסמכה, אישור והכרה בכישורים של מוסדות והתמחויות, שירותי חשבונאות, שירותי מינהלה כלליים ) .
לעתים תהליכים חברתיים ופוליטיים במדינות דומות יכולים להתפתח בכיוונים שונים לגמרי. מועצת החינוך הלאומית בשבדיה הוקמה עשור לפני המועצה בפינלנד, אך במרוצת השנים אבדה את יוקרתה ובעקבות כך את סמכויותיה. המעניין הוא שבמקביל להתחזקות מועצת החינוך הלאומית בפינלנד הלכה המועצה הלאומית בשבדיה ונחלשה.
המועצה הלאומית לחינוך בשבדיה איבדה את יוקרתה בציבור השבדי עקב כמה החלטות שגויות שקיבלה בתחומי הרפורמה החינוכית ולבסוך פוזרה ע"י החלטת ממשלה ומוזגה למשרד החינוך השבדי.
 הלקח שניתן ללמוד מעלייתה ושקיעתה של מועצת החינוך הלאומית בשבדיה הוא השפעת דעת הקהל על מעמד המועצה הלאומית לחינוך והחוכמה של העברת האחריות על החלטות לאומיות שגויות על ידי שרי חינוך למועצה הלאומית. בדרך זו הפכה המועצה הלאומית לקולט ברקים.
 בשנת 1997 הקימו הבריטים  ביוזמתו של ראש הממשלה טוני בלייר את הרשות העליונה לכישורים ותוכניות לימוד (  Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) , לרשות חינוכית עליונה זו הועברו חלק מסמכויות משרד החינוך הבריטי. הרשות העליונה אחראית לאישור תוכניות הלימוד הלאומיות, בחינות הבגרות וההכשרה המקצועית באנגליה. בראייה כוללת מדובר בעיקר בגוף מתאם בין גורמי החינוך, משרד החינוך ומשרד הפיקוח וההערכה ( OFSTED ).
כמיטב המסורת הבריטית של הפרדת רשויות דאגו הבריטים למנוע ריכוזיות ועוצמה יתרה של הרשות העליונה  לכישורים ע"י חיזוק במקביל של הרשות הלאומית לפיקוח וההערכה ( OFSTED ). שתי הרשויות הנ"ל כפופות ישירות לשר החינוך הבריטי ולא למנכ"ל משרד החינוך.
 בהולנד פועלת מועצה מייעצת בחינוך The education council) ) המייעצת ישירות לממשלה לגבי מדיניות החינוך והחקיקה. למועצת החינוך סמכות עליונה לגיבוש המדיניות החינוכית בכל הרמות, כולל אוניברסיטאות.
המועצה בהולנד  גם אחראית ליזום שינוי חקיקה ולהגישם לפרלמנט. המועצה ההולנדית מפרסמת כל שנה המלצות לאומיות בחינוך, דוח"ות על מצב החינוך והצעות חקיקה.
המועצה המייעצת בחינוך כפופה למועצת השרים ולא רק לשר החינוך. במועצה בהולנד מעוסקים כ50 אישי , בשלוש מחלקות: תכנון חינוכי , מחקר, וחקיקה.
Australian education council (AEC)
המועצה הלאומית לחינוך באוסטרליה איבדה בהדרגה את כוחה שם ולבסוף מוזגה בשנת 1994 בתוך המערכות הקיימות במשרד החינוך הפדראלי באוסטרליה.
 מדובר על תהליך ארוך של מאבק כוחות בין המועצה הלאומית לחינוך ובין משרד החינוך המקומי אשר הסתיים לרעת המועצה הלאומית שם בשנת 1994.
בקנדה הוקמה לפני 20 שנה מועצה מתאמת עליונה לחינוך הנקראת מועצת שרי החינוך או באנגלית  The Council of Ministers of Education (CMEC) 
 מועצת שרי החינוך המפעילה מזכירות ביצועית קבועה , אחראית על תיאום  המדיניות בחינוך ותוכניות הלימודים בקנדה. המועצה אחראית לתיאום בין כל משרדי החינוך הפדראליים בקנדה אך אין לה כל סמכות פיקוח וההערכה של בתי ספר.
 במזכירות מועצת השרים בחינוך בקנדה עובדים 40 אנשי חינוך. התקציב  השנתי שלהו הוא 6 מיליון דולר לשנה.
כמדינה בעלת מסורת שלטונית מבוזרת אין למועצות החינוך הלאומית בארה"ב  מעמד מחייב מבחינת החוק.
ההחלטה על הקמת מועצה לאומית לחינוך בכל STATE היא בידי המושל המדינה הנוכחי וזה שלאחריו יכול גם להחלישה. כך במדינת קנזס הוקמה לפני כעשור מועצת חינוך לאומית הממשיכה להיות משמעותית גם היום.   מועצת החינוך בקנזס אחראית לתכנון החינוכי הציבורי במדינה, חפיתוח המנהיגות החינוכית ולעידוד יוזמות חינוך. במועצת החינוך הלאומית של קנזס חברים נציגים מבתי הספר, הציבור והאקדמיה. מדובר בגוף ייעוצי הפועל ללא מנגנוני ביצוע קבועים התלוי בגיבוי של מושל המדינה. אם בקנזס צברה המועצה הלאומית בחינוך יוקרה רבה הרי במדינות אחרות בארה"ב כגון טקסס או קליפורניה פועלות מועצות הלאומיות בחינוך כגופי ייעוץ עם סמכויות מעטות ויוקרה  ציבורית נמוכה.
ברמה הלאומית הקים הנשיא ג'ורג בוש בשנת 2003 מועצה לאומית למדעי החינוך (National Board of Educational Sciences  ). חברי המועצה הם אישי חינוך המייצגים ארגוני חינוך יוקרתיים ואוניברסיטאות. המועצה כוללת כ-10 חברים נכבדים , כולם במינוי נשיאותי ואישור הסנאט . עם זאת, אין למועצה סמכויות בתחומי התכנון החינוכי הלאומי כמו במדינות אירופה.
מאחר והמועצה כפופה לנשיא ארה"ב היא אינה נהנת בהכרח מגיבוי שוטף של מזכירי החינוך (שרי החינוך) בארה"ב.  אמנם בשנת 2005 חיזק נשיא ארה"ב ג'ורג בוש הבן את סמכויותיה והעביר להם את האחריות לתקצוב שירותי מידע  ממוחשבים לאומיים, אך לא ברור כיום, בתקופת נשיאותו של ברק אובמה ,אם מעמדה נשמר .
יכול להיות כי ההתפתחות המהירה של הכלכלה בברזיל בעשור האחרון היא תולדה של מערכת חינוך לאומית מוצלחת. בברזיל פועלת מועצה לאומית לחינוך כבר 60 שנה והיא הקדימה את מדינות אירופה  בחשיבה שיטתית של תכנון לאומי בחינוך.
 למועצת החינוך הלאומית בברזיל סמכויות רבות בתכנון יעדי החינוך הלאומי ותיאום מדיניות החינוך של מחוזות המדינה ( מדינות פדראליות ). כוחה של המועצה הלאומית לחינוך בברזיל נובע מהלגיטימציה הרבה שלה בציבור הברזילאני. במועצה חברים אנשיחינוך, נציגי חינוך ואנשי צבא ( שזכו  לייצוג בתקופת השלטון הצבאי בברזיל) והיא זוכה לגיבוי מלא מצד נשיאי ברזיל לדורותיהם.
 אין למועצה מנגנוני קבע כמו בפינלנד או הולנד אך יוקרתה נובעת מסמכותה המוסרית בחברה והרכבה הייצוגי . לאורך כל השנים שמרה המועצה הלאומית לחינוך בברזיל על מעמדה תודות לאישים שכיהנו בשורותיה ולמדיניות החינוך המתקדמת שהתוותה במערכות החינוך בברזיל בכל הרמות כולל לגבי האוניברסיטאות .
מקורות המידע
World Yearbook of Education 2000  By Eric Hoyle, Jacquetta Megarry
Lynne Sacks and Betsy brown Ruzzi . Overview of Education ministries in selected countries: roles, responsibilities and finances , 2005 . National Center on Education and the Economy,( NCEE) , February 2006
Eurybase -The Information Database on Education Systems in Europe, 2007 .
The Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE) is the national agency in charge of development of education in Finland. It is working under the auspices of the Ministry of Education.

FNBE is responsible for the development of pre-primary education and basic education, general upper secondary education
, vocational education and training, formal adult education and training,... see more
The main areas of operation:

development of education
evaluation of education
information services
educational service


Government Agency
Company Size
320 employees
Finnish National Board of Education
Finnish National Board of Education is the agency responsible for the development of education in Finland. Its administrative sector encompasses pre-school and basic education, upper secondary education, basic vocational training, adult education, and liberal adult education, including folk high schools and adult education centres. It also produces services for polytechnics and universities.
Finnish National Board of Education

- develops education. Finnish National Board of Education (NBE) draws up core curricula for basic and upper secondary education, the framework for vocational qualifications and competence-based qualifications, and undertakes various projects to develop education.
- evaluates education. The NBE evaluates learning results and improves the efficiency of training. 
- provides information services. Finnish National Board of Education co-ordinates information networks and services in the education sector, produces indicator data and information for anticipating educational needs, maintains the financing system for the education sector, and publishes training guides.
- produces support services for education. Finnish National Board of Education maintains a student selection register for upper secondary vocational training and education and polytechnics; organises language examinations; organises and funds further studies for teachers and other teaching staff; is responsible for the recognition of foreign qualifications; and develops and sells learning materials. 
Finnish National Board of Education also provides instruction. It manages 17 state-owned educational institutions.

The FNBE was founded in 1991 when two of its predecessors were merged, namely the National Board of General Education and the National Board of Vocational Education. A major administrative part of the former Boards was abolished in the reorganisation of central level educational governance in the 1990s.
The Director General of The Finnish National Board of Education is Mr. Timo Lankinen. The FNBE has four units: Education Development, Quality Assurance and Monitoring, Swedish-language Education, and Education and Internal Services.
Director General
  • International Relations
  • Communications
  • Secretariat of the Director General
Education Development 
  • Pre-primary and Basic Education
  • General Upper Secondary Education
  • Vocational Education
  • Adult Education
  • EU-funded development
  • Learning Environments, Further Education and Training for Teachers
  • Support for Learning, Well-being and Multicultural Education
Quality Assurance and Monitoring 
  • Financing and Cost Data Services
  • Evaluation and Monitoring Services
  • Information Services
  • Admissions Services
  • Research Group
  • Quality Assurance Group
  • Educational Needs Anticipation
Swedish-language Education
  • Development of Swedish-language Education
Education and Internal Services
  • Fee-based Products and Services
  • Information Management Services
  • Recognition and Comparability of Qualifications
  • Accounting Services
  • Administrative Services

The National Board of Education also manages 17 state-owned educational institutions.
Ruskeasuo school, Helsinki
Physically disabled, multi-disabled, or chronically ill students who suffer from diseases or disorders of the central nervous system – and their consequences – that manifest themselves as special perception, motor, or language problems are qualified for enrollment.
Haukkaranta school, Jyväskylä
A state special school and counselling services provider for special needs education.
Svenska skolan för synskadade (The Swedish School for Visually Impaired), Helsinki
The school comprises 11 years combining a two-year pre-school and a nine-year comprehensive school.
Helsingin ranskalais-suomalainen koulu (Lycée franco-finlandais d'Helsinki), Helsinki
Suomalais-venäläinen koulu (The Finnish-Russian school), Helsinki
Special Vocational Centre in Kuhankoski, Laukaa
Provides pre-vocational and vocational education for students with severe learning difficulties.
Alavus vocational special education institution, Alavu
Gives vocational special education, preparing and rehabilitating teaching and guidance and also functions as an institute that develops teaching.
Arlainstituutti, Espoo
Vocational training and development centre especially for visually impaired and deafblind people.
Opeko(National centre for professional development in education), Heinola
Opeko arranges supplementary and continuing education and provide consultancy and development services primarily for teaching personnel in pre-school and comprehensive education, in secondary general education, vocational education and training, and adult education.
The Educational center of Sami Area, Inari
The Educational center of Sami Area was founded through legislation to maintain and develop Sami culture and nature-based occupations and to promote the production of educational material published in Sami.
Meriturva Maritime Safety Training Centre, Lohja
Meriturva is a state-owned establishment under the National Board of Education and offers maritime safety training in various forms.
The Finnish National Board of Education (NBE) is the national authority to decide about the national curriculum in Finland.
National Board of Education Core (2001) Curriculum for Pre-school Education in Finland. 2000. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino / University Press ...
מבנה וארגון
The Finnish National Board of Education has four units: Education Development,
Quality Assurance and Monitoring, Swedish-language Education, and Education and
Internal Services. The Board employs about 350 staff. The Finnish National Board of
Education is also an education provider responsible for 17 state-owned educational
institutions, employing a total of about 1,700 people.
Providing support services for education
The Finnish National Board of Education supports
different ways of using information and communications
technologies (ICT) in education. It allocates discretionary
government grants to education providers to enable them
to implement information networks and purchase
computers. The Board’s web-based service www.edu.fi
offers teachers materials in support of teaching.
The first stage of the project for the development of quality of special education will end in 2001. This year will also be one of transition to stage two in 2002-2004.
In 2000 the work of the assigned development tasks has continued in accordance with the set objectives. The majority of the results and products will be reported on and marketed according to plan in 2001. Also the evaluation will be carried out largely in 2001.
National areas of responsibility/ work teams
-   steering committee
-   work team for laying strategies
-   work team for setting up service centres
-   work team for developing teaching
-   work team for the integration of general and special education
-   area of responsibility for network development
-   area of responsibility for the integration of support services
-   area of responsibility for developing upbringing
-   area of responsibility for developing evaluation
Swedish National Board of Education
World Yearbook of Education 1980
 By Eric Hoyle, Jacquetta Megarry
The Information Database on
Education Systems in Europe
President Bush today nominated four individuals to serve on the National Board of Education Sciences (NBES). Three of the nominations are reappointments and one is a new appointment. All require Senate confirmation.
The board's members are:
  • Jonathan Baron of Maryland (reappointment), executive director, Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy, The Council for Excellence in Government
  • Frank Philip Handy of Florida (reappointment), CEO of Strategic Industries
  • Sally Shaywitz of Connecticut (reappointment), Yale University Professor of Pediatrics
  • Joanne Weiss of California, partner and COO at NewSchools Venture Fund.
The National Board of Education Sciences is the presidentially appointed
National Board of Education Sciences; Meeting
AGENCY: National Board for Education Sciences; ED.
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
SUMMARY: This notice sets forth the schedule and proposed agenda of a 
forthcoming meeting of the National Board for Education Sciences. 
Notice of this meeting is required under Section 10(a)(2) of the 
Federal Advisory Committee Act. This document is intended to notify the 
general public of their opportunity to attend the meeting. Individuals 
who will need accommodations for disability (i.e., interpreting 
services, assistive listening devices, materials in alternative format) 
should notify Mary Grace Lucier at (202) 219-2253 by August 26. We will 
attempt to meet requests after this date, but cannot guarantee 
availability of the requested accommodation. The meeting site is 
accessible to individuals with disabilities.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The National Board for Education Sciences is 
authorized by Section 116 of the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002. 
The Board advises the Director of the Institute of Education Sciences 
(IES) on the establishment of activities to be supported by the 
Institute, on the funding of applications for grants, contracts, and 
cooperative agreements for research after the completion of peer 
review, and reviews evaluates the work of the Institute. On September 
6, the Board will meet from 3 to 5 p.m. to hear an update on the work 
of IES and a presentation of the proposed research priorities for FY 
2006 by the Director.
    On September 7, at 8:30 a.m. the Board will review the activities 
of the previous day and the present day's agenda. Starting at 8:45 
a.m., the Board will review and discuss public comments on the IES 
research priorities. From 10:30 to noon the Board will consider its 
response to the priorities and take action on them. At 1 p.m. the Board 
will hold a presentation and discussion of a plan to examine the IES 
technical and peer review system, and at 2:15 p.m. the Board will 
conduct a retrospective on Board activities for 2005 and planning for 
2006. Adjournment is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. Further meetings of the 
Board are scheduled for January 23 and 24, 2006, and May 8 and 9, 2006.
    Records will be kept of all Board proceedings and will be available 
for public inspection at the office of the National Board for Education 
Sciences, 555 New Jersey Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20208.
    Dated: August 18, 2005.
Grover J. Whitehurst,
Director, Institute of Education Sciences.
[FR Doc. 05-16770 Filed 8-23-05; 8:45 am]
בחלק מן המדינות יש מועצות חינוך
The Kansas State Board of Education can readily relate to NASBE’s five primary goals which will be implemented over the next five years. The goals include building strategic partnerships to provide service and support to State Boards, expanding NASBE’s role as a primary resource for policy information, raising awareness of service on a State Board as an essential element in governing public education, building a technology infrastructure to serve state boards of education, and planning and implementing a smooth transition in NASBE leadership and management.
We, in Kansas, look forward to assisting NASBE in implementing these goals. NASBE’s challenges, opportunities and action plan were highlighted in the Kansas State Board of Education’s August podcast. To access the complete podcast, go to http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=167
-- Bill Wagnon, Chairman of the Kansas State Board of Education

State Board Briefs
The State Board received the list of districts and public schools not making adequate yearly progress for the 2007-08 assessment cycle.
Adequate yearly progress is based on meeting targets on the state reading and mathematics assessments, participation in the assessments, attendance rate and graduation rate. Title I schools and districts not making AYP for two years in the same area are identified for improvement. (The Title I list was presented to the Board in August.) The good news is that 90% of public schools (1226 out of 1365) made AYP and 92% of all districts also made AYP. This compares to 89% of schools and districts last year. To read the news release and access the list, please go to http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=95 and select 2008 AYP Results.
The Board heard from representatives of 3 Title I schools that came off the improvement list this year: Junction City Middle School, USD 475 Geary County; Bernadine Sitts Intermediate Center and Charles Stones Intermediate Center, USD 457 Garden City.
Information was shared with the State Board of Education about:
Jumpstart Read for the Record, a campaign to encourage hundreds of thousands of children and adults nationwide to read the same book, Corduroy, on October 2, 2008 to bring national attention to the importance of early childhood education. It is hoped that the national event will be the largest shared reading experience ever. The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is participating in the campaign. Employees have been encouraged to arrange with schools to share this book with children. One book. One day. For children everywhere. Dr. Posny invited the State Board’s participation on October 2nd, 2008. Go to the following website for further information about the national campaign http://www.jstart.org/index.php

The Kansas All Book Connect (KS ABC) initiative. KSDE, in partnership with Renaissance Learning, is launching a web-based book-searching tool this fall to assist students in finding interesting and appropriate books. The KS ABC initiative consists of tools and services to help educators and parents match books to kids to promote successful reading practices. The website http://www.kansas.bookconnect.com will be unveiled later this fall.

The multiple and varying graduation rate formulas. The formula used by the report Diplomas Count was discussed, as were the cohort rate formula, the leaver rate formula (used most often by states), the persistence rate formula, the composite rate formula, the National Governor’s Rate formula, the cumulative promotion rate formula and the NCLB rate formula. The National Governors’ Rate formula is being promoted as a way for all states to be fairly compared. In order to use this formula, states must be able to track all students. In Kansas, we will have sufficient data to use this formula in two years.

The Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) Symposium, held September 4th and 5th in Wichita. Over 800 interested parties participated. Christi Whitter, principal of Madison Elementary School, USD 231 Gardner-Edgerton, described the implementation and success of the MTSS program at Madison. For further information about implementation of MTSS in Kansas go to http://www.kansasmtss.org

The progress of the Teaching in Kansas Commission (TKC), the Kansas Educational Leadership Commission (KELC) and the action plan for the nine initiatives for integration of academics and career and technical education.
Background on the three Board initiatives:
The Teaching in Kansas Commission (TKC) was formed to articulate recommendations from the input collected from the 200 participants at the Recruitment & Retention Summit in November 2007. Topics from the summit addressed the main issues impacting teacher preparation, teacher recruitment, including recruitment in hard to staff areas, and teacher retention. The Commission’s recommendations: working conditions; teacher preparation; salary and benefits; image and promotion; and regulations. The Commission was able to reduce summit comments to short, intermediate and long term goals to address the target areas. The Commission shared the goals with the Board as well as a framework that placed the goals across the continuum of the education profession, from pre-service educator to accomplished educator. The Commission’s recommendations for next steps included maintaining the Commission with a broadened membership and five committees charged with developing action plans for the goals in the target areas. This was approved by the State Board of Education in April, 2008. Additional information about the ongoing activity of the Commission can be accessed at the bottom of the page at http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=123.
The purpose of the Kansas Educational Leadership Commission, or KELC, is to improve student performance. KELC was charged to focus on educational research and evidence-based practices that point to the critical role leadership plays in the success of student learning. The goal is to develop a set of policy recommendations for the design, implementation and improvement over time of a system of leadership for learning in Kansas. The Commission developed twelve recommendations and strongly encourages policymakers at every level to implement these recommendations. KELC has developed five design teams comprised of 10-15 individuals to begin work on implementation of policy recommendations. Further information about KELC and its recommendations may be found at http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=1988.
Initiatives for integration of academics and career and technical education:
In February, the Board approved nine initiatives that were designed to encourage student engagement in their own career planning while gaining 21st century skills. In June, 2008 the Board received an update on implementing the action plan for these policy statements. Even though much remains to be done on this long-term and wide-ranging initiative, agency staff, educators from the field, and representatives from various constituencies have already begun developing a process and building a support for system change. The policy initiatives adopted were:
  1. Create Gold Standard assessments (industry-recognized credentials/certifications) for each of the Career Clusters that support high expectations.
  2. Integrate core content standards with technical program standards utilizing the 16 career clusters as the organizing principle.
  3. Support implementation of Individual Career Plans of Study for all students in 8th grade and above.
  4. Improve Access to Career and Technical Education by removing barriers and promoting partnerships.
  5. Recommend the Kansas Board of Regents update Qualified Admissions.
  6. Create 21st Century School Standards to help guide reform and/or redesign of public schools.
  7. Support Professional Development for teachers (e.g. mentor-mentee model) to help guide students in planning for future careers.
  8. Revise Teacher Preparation Program Standards to reflect the integration of content standards.
  9. Support the creation of dynamic funding systems that respond to the changing workforce and economic development needs.
For additional information see http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=249.
Math and Science Teaching Excellence
The Board recognized the national finalists for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching - Carrie Newdigger, a science teacher at Macksville High School, USD 351; and Steven Obenhaus, a mathematics teacher at Olathe North High School, USD 233 Olathe.
Kansas Blue Ribbon Schools
Five Kansas schools were among the 320 schools in the United States named by U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings as 2008 No Child Left Behind-Blue Ribbon Schools. The Kansas schools being recognized include Beeson Elementary School, USD 443, Dodge City; Lincoln Elementary School, USD 298, Lincoln; Syracuse High School, USD 494 Syracuse; Blue Valley North High School, USD 229 Blue Valley; and Ellsworth Elementary School, USD 327 Ellsworth. Those selected will be honored at an awards ceremony in Washington, D.C. on October 20-21, 2008.
State Teacher of the Year Finalists
During four regional awards banquets held throughout the state on September 13-14, eight teachers were named finalists for 2009 Kansas Teacher of the Year. They are: Mary Bradshaw, a middle school English Language Learners teacher at Chisholm Middle School in Newton (Newton USD 373); Walter (Walt) L. Cochran, a high school social studies teacher at Gardner Edgerton High School (Gardner Edgerton USD 231); Cynthia (Cindy) J. Couchman, a high school math teacher at Buhler High School (Buhler USD 313); Marilyn B. Fox, an eighth-grade science teacher at Susan B. Anthony Middle School in Manhattan (Manhattan-Ogden USD 383); Mary Martha Good, a kindergarten teacher at Skelly Elementary School in El Dorado (El Dorado USD 490); Jennifer Hartman, an elementary music teacher at Clear Creek Elementary School in Shawnee (De Soto USD 232); Julie C. Miller, a kindergarten science and music teacher at Cottonwood Elementary School in Paola (Paola USD 368); and Cynthia (Cindy) L. Venard, a fifth-grade teacher at Soule Intermediate Center in Dodge City (Dodge City USD 443). Statewide, 97 educators were nominated for the Kansas Teacher of the Year distinction. The Kansas Teacher of the Year will be selected from among the regional finalists and announced during a ceremony November 22 in Wichita.
21st Century Skills
The Kansas State Board of Education received the 21st Century Skills Practice of the Year Award for the State Board’s policies promoting comprehensive redesign with integration and partnerships from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, the nation’s leading advocacy organization focused on infusing 21st century skills into education. The Board was awarded this honor because of its adoption of the nine initiatives that are designed to encourage student engagement in their own career planning while gaining 21st century skills.

State and National News Roundup
Teacher Vacancies Decline Across State
Teacher vacancies at the start of the school year across Kansas have declined to the lowest level in nine years, though small and rural communities still have trouble filling all of their open positions. State education leaders credit the decline to streamlining the process for out-of-state teachers to earn a Kansas license, aggressive and earlier recruiting efforts by districts, new incentives to retiring teachers to give more advanced notice of their plans. Source: Capital-Journal, 9/12/08
State Scholarship Contest for School Safety Advertisements Announced
A state scholarship contest to promote school safety has been created by the state department of education. Any high school student graduating from an accredited Kansas high school in the 2008-09 school year is eligible to enter to highlight the state’s school safety hotline. The top three winners in three categories—a television public service announcement, radio psa, and an advertisement poster—will win scholarships of between $500 and $1,250. Source: Capital-Journal, 9/17/08
Pennsylvania State Board Adds Student Members
Two Pennsylvania high school students were named non-voting representatives to the State Board of Education. Elizabeth Williams, a senior from Pocono Mountain West High School, will serve a one-year term as the high school student member, while Gardiner Kreglow, a junior from Bethlehem Area School District, will serve as the high school member-elect. “This is a tremendous opportunity for the students to impact the policies that directly affect what happens in their classrooms and those of their fellow classmates,” State Board of Education Chairman Joseph Torsella said. “I have no doubt that their participation will add valuable perspective to the board’s deliberations and the views of the other board members.” Source: State Board of Education Press Release (9/9/08)
South Dakota’s Districts Cannot Use District Money to Fund School Finance Lawsuit
Local school districts that are funding a challenge to the state’s education finance system do not have the right to spend district money on the lawsuit, according to the judge hearing the case. Circuit Court Judge Lori Wilbur also decided that the districts lack the standing to challenge the funding formula’s constitutionality in court. According to Wilbur, a state Supreme Court case that allowed local boards to pay legal fees to uphold board interests in a suit does not necessarily give that same authority to pay for other litigants’ lawyer fees. The lawsuit, which is backed by the South Dakota Coalition of Schools, alleges that the state legislature’s funding of K-12 education is insufficient and violates the state’s constitution and its guarantee for public education. Source: Argus Leader (8/22/08)
Florida High Court Nixes Three Education Funding and Voucher Ballot Questions
The Florida Supreme Court has unanimously struck three referendums dealing with education funding and vouchers from the November ballot because the language describing the initiatives is misleading and the process by which the initiatives were put forward was flawed. The three ballot questions have been controversial ever since they were proposed by the Taxation and Budget Reform Commission, a state panel that meets every 20 years to review the state’s budget system. The ballot initiatives were whether to cut property taxes by 25 percent, repeal the prohibition in the state constitution to fund religious institutions, and overturn the court’s 2006 ruling that found private school vouchers unconstitutional.
The court ruled the language concerning the proposed property tax cut misleading because the initiative explains that the state legislature must offset the property tax cut for school budgets in 2009-10, but does not indicate that there is no further budget obligation to continue to offset the difference after that. The justices also found that the Taxation and Budget Reform Commission exceeded its authority by placing an unrelated budget issue like vouchers on the ballot. The ruling came less than 12 hours after oral arguments and one day before the deadline for finalizing the state election ballot. Source: Miami Herald (9/4/08); Daytona Beach News Journal (9/2/08)
Texas Attorney General Approves Statewide GPA System
The grade point averages (GPA) of high school students throughout Texas will be calculated using the same scale starting this school year, according to an opinion issued by the state attorney general. GPA has typically been calculated within districts using their own formulas, but because students in the top 10 percent of their graduating classes automatically earn admission to Texas state universities, there is fierce competition for those spots. The attorney general ruled the standard method for GPA calculations should not be applied retroactively, but should be applied “on a prospective basis only” starting with next fall’s college admissions. Source: San Antonio Express-News (8/28/08)
Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic League Asked to do Criminal Checks on All Officials
After a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette investigation found dozens of present and past PIAA-registered officials maintained licenses despite criminal convictions, the Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic League board asked the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association to do criminal background checks on all of the state’s 13,700 athletic officials. The league previously proposed background checks only for new officials. “While criminal background checks may be a ‘feel good’ means of taking some action to protect student-athletes, it is not the only, and is certainly not even the best, means available to provide protection. PIAA has taken a different approach, but with very good results,” according to Bradley R. Cashman, PIAA executive director. “Perhaps, though, after further assessment of benefits and costs of doing so, we will also require criminal background checks.” Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (9/18/2008)

The mission of the Kansas State Board of Education is to promote student achievement through vision, leadership, opportunity, accountability and advocacy for all.

The State Board believes that the key to ensuring the fulfillment of its mission lies in helping schools work with families and communities to prepare students for success.

State Board Members
Janet Waugh
Sue Gamble
John W. Bacon
Bill Wagnon, Chairman
Sally Cauble
Kathy Martin
Kenneth Willard
Carol Rupe, Vice-Chairman
Jana Shaver
Steve E. Abrams
Monthly State Board Meeting
Second Tuesday (10 a.m.) and Wednesday (9 a.m.)
State Board of Education
(785) 296-3203
Citizens are encouraged to attend State Board meetings, to speak to the Board at the regularly scheduled Citizen’s Open Forum on Tuesday of each monthly Board meeting (10:30 a.m.) and to communicate with Board members.
·       KSBE Links
120 SE 10th Avenue, Topeka, KS 66612-1182
P: (785) 296.3201
F: (785) 296.7933
E: contact@ksde.org
About National Board for Technical Education (NBTE)
The National Board for Technical Education is a principal organ of Federal Ministry of Education specifically created to handle all aspects of Technical and Vocational Education falling outside University Education. It was established by Act No. 9 of 11th January, 1977.
In addition to providing standardised minimum guide curricula for technical and vocational education and training (TVET), the Board supervises and regulates, through an accreditation process, the programmes offered by technical institutions at secondary and post secondary levels. It is also involved with the funding of Polytechnics owned by the Government of the Federation of Nigeria.
Our Vision is to Uphold the ideals of a free, united and egalitarian society and promote good quality technical and vocational education; a system that is flexible and accessible to all for the purpose of producing competent and relevant technological manpower needed for sustainable national development.
Our Mission is to promote the production of skilled/semi-skilled technical and professional manpower, to revitalize, and sustain the national economy, reduce unemployment and poverty through the setting and maintenance of high standards, provision of current and reliable information for planning and decision making, sourcing and disbursing of funds and adequate linkages with industry.
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